Rabies: The First Action You Should Take When Infected

 The First Action You Should Take When Bitten by An Animal Infected With Rabies Virus  

When a human being is bitten by an animal infected with the rabies virus (usually a dog), there are ways to stop the infection from occurring. First aid, wash the bite wound well, for at least 5 minutes with water and soap, quoted from Online Review. Friday (16/8/2022).

Rabies Treatment

You can see a doctor immediately. Do not wait for other symptoms, such as headache and fever, muscle aches, fear of water, and difficulties. These symptoms indicate the virus has developed and has begun to spread to the body.

There are also other ways to give injections. People infected with the rabies virus are injected with immunoglobulin-rabies rabies vaccination in humans.

This method stops viral infections from developing in the body. Injections are administered for 14 days (five injections). After being bitten by an infected animal, you can immediately get a rabies immunoglobulin injection.

Death From Rabies

Rabies is a virus that is transmitted and occurs in more than 150 countries. Dog-borne rabies occupies 99 percent of human rabies cases. An estimated 59,000 people die each year from the disease, according to the UN News Center.

In commemoration of World Rabies Day, which falls on September 28, the World Anti Rabies Alliance took the initiative to end human deaths from dog-borne rabies by 2030.

Rabies cases have become a priority for international organizations, according to the UN health agency (UN).

Administering vaccines to dogs is a way to a global plan. Vaccines in dogs will make the dog avoid the rabies virus. This case can reduce the risk of humans being infected with the rabies virus.

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